Monday, June 28, 2010

Good night?

This is how Brogan has started going to bed lately.  First, he gets every construction vehicle he owns (there are 4 in this photo) and lovingly places them on the cushion next to him in the brown rocking recliner in our bedroom.  Then he gets his "night night" (the much loved and in desperate need of repair blue blanket) and his ipod (he has declared it his).  He climbs into the rocker and selects a movie to watch on the ipod (his current favorite is a flick about "diggers" and "monster trucks").  He will then arrange his construction vehicles so that they can all see the ipod too.  Then he will rock furiously until he passes out.  It might not be the BEST way to manage bed time, but it is working for us and when you have a 2 year old who has a routine that WORKS for them, you just don't mess with it.  Life is a little more peaceful this way.  He is suffering from a sincere case of "Worker" hero worship.  Fortunately SPS has graced us with some impressive construction projects this summer and there are "workers" abound.  Brogan waves to them all,  he showers them with questions and exclamations of excitement.  Usually he is wearing his "worker hat" (a yellow foam dollar store find of the century) to bed as well.  I snapped this picture before he realized it was missing.  He wears this hat *everywhere*.  Many other little boys have gazed at it with love and admiration at the park, the grocery store, the swimming pool, the dining hall, etc.  This is going to be our summer of Diggers and Dozers.  Bring it on.

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