Thursday, June 3, 2010


My kids L-O-V-E the fair.  I have a general sense of dread and a raging case of germ phobia when we take them.  It takes every ounce of my control NOT to swab down EVERY ride before they get on...and each child once they get off.  I find community ball pits disturbing.  I have a physical reaction to the image above of Kayla IN such a ball pit.  SHUDDER.  I love the photo of Cassidy (yes, that's her) in the swing and all you can see are her feet sticking straight out.  She LOVES the swings and would go on them over and over and over again if we allowed her to.  Brogan was particularly thrilled with the motorcycles.  He admires them from the side of the road and was almost confused by the sudden permission granted to climb on one and give it a go.  This was a happy boy.  He still asks to go ride the motorcycles.  Oh, and he refers to fairs as "Parties".  We are certain there will be many more germ filled celebrations in our future.


Five Pines said...

I can't believe the Fair has arrived already!!

Jennifer said...

Oh boy, will the both of us have fun together at OMSI!?!??! I also am germ-ophobic. We'll make a great pair. I'll bring the clorox wipes, and you can be responsible for the hand sanitizer.
More of a fear for me is always the safety of the rides (anything that can come apart and be transported on a truck and set up again in another city the next day makes me nervous) and the soberness of the operators (I swear, the last time the kids roda a ferris wheel, the guy was stoned!) Yippee for county fairs!