Saturday, November 29, 2008

Photo Sneaks

I downloaded photos from the digital camera today and these two popped up. Apparently one of the girls (no one is currently fessing up) decided to "borrow" the camera to take pictures of their 2 favorite stuffed animals. The sock monkey belongs to KK. The horse, of course, is Cass's. The 2 lucky animals got to travel with us to camp. These pictures were taken just before our departure as both animals were hanging out next to the luggage. It's anyone's guess which of the 2 girls is behind the camera. **Update....Cass has just cleared things up a bit. Turns out BOTH girls are guilty. Cass took a picture of her horse. KK, the monkey. I'm not surprised. Are you?

Visiting with Grandma R.

Grandma Reynolds came to visit! We enjoyed having her here. She bought the girls each a 6 inch Christmas Tree for their doll house. They decorated them, then the doll house, and then in the spirit of the season we got their 2 foot tree out and let them decorate that as well. Brog tried to help. The tree has been moved to higher ground in an effort to save it from his helping hands in the future. Thank you for coming to visit, Grandma. We love you!

Saturday, November 22, 2008

We're crazy!

So I've never taken the time to just "journal" on here, but today is a day that demands this type of attention. It was COLD today...about 24 degrees or so, but the girls wanted to go to the 57th annual Concord Christmas Parade. It started at 9:30am. We put on our winter clothes, grabbed several blankets and drove to the perfect parking spot...the parking lot of the local Walgreens Drugstore. I think the girls were expecting something more along the lines of "The Macy's Thanksgiving Parade" that we have watched on TV and were a little disappointed...after the 5th emergency response vehicle and a long line of combat vehicles, the girls were rewarded with a couple of bands, a unicycle group, and finally Santa wrapped up the show. Kayla was particularly thrilled with Santa. They watched most of the parade from the car after Cassidy declared that her feet were frozen. It snowed while we were watching. According to the announcers, it was the 2nd coldest parade in history. BUUUURRRR! Sadly it was too cold to take any pictures and even if we did, they would have been sad pictures of our cold little ones stoically waving at the seemingly never ending line of military vehicles. They actually got excited when one of them showed some personality by attaching a wreath to the front of the vehicle. It was just THAT much fun.

On a cutter (and warmer) note, the girls spent some time playing together today. They have developed a deep appreciation (bordering on obsession) for all things "Batman" related. They were role playing. Cassidy wanted to be Cat-Woman. I overheard this dialog:
Kayla: Cass, why do you always want to be Cat-woman?
Cass: Well, it's like this. I like cats. And I'm a woman. Cat. Woman. See?
Kayla: Oh yeah. I get it now.

Funny, funny girls.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Birthday Celebration

Brogan had fun playing with the balloon animals. Brian has started making them for every festive occasion. Cass and KK rocked the house on tag-team guitar hero. The photo is a little blurry but Cass has her rock face on. All three kids are super stars!

Miranda and Dave Anderson stopped by to celebrate for a bit with us. They brought Brogan a wonderful dino bouncy ball AND the girls got a Fairy Tale Memory Game. THANK YOU!

Brogan loves Breakfast most of all, so for his birthday dinner we had some of his favorite things: Whole wheat waffles, fresh fruit, OJ, Turkey Bacon and more. He ate VERY well! (The girls said it was "Just like Lori makes us!")

THE PRESENT Some of the wonderful and thoughtful gifts: a very fun tow-truck full of legos from Grandma & Grandpa Harmon, a monogramed towel, a snowman book & a "mine" shirt from Grandma & Grandpa Reynolds, a puzzle animal train from Cass & KK. He loved everything and is eager to play with it all. If only he could get his sisters to give him a turn! THANK YOU!!!!

This boy knows how to eat his cake! He loved this whole experience.

And so ends the First Birthday Extravaganza! Thank you for indulging us!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

First Haircut Results Show

Here it is, the official post-first-haircut-photo-shoot. He was in a funny mood when we took 'em. Hope you see the humor and enjoy the newest "punk" in our family.
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The First Hair Cut

We've celebrated Brogan's first birthday with a few other "first's". Brogan got his very first hair cut today. He was sooooo good. Even the buzzer didn't bother him. He fell asleep on the way home so I don't currently have a "finished product" picture, but rest assured, one WILL be posted and he does look SO very handsome.

The First Birthday Present

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU, BROGAN! Today is his day. Although we will be celebrating with cake tomorrow, we couldn't let today go without acknowledgment and SOME small celebration. So, we gave him one of his presents, this very cute Tonka Truck walker/ride-on toy. It was love at first sight. We will post more pictures tomorrow evening after we have celebrated with cake and ice cream. But today is a special day. Very Special. We love you, Boy. So very much!

Monday, November 10, 2008

Cass's Creation

Cass was assigned "refreshments" for Family Home Evening tonight. I gave her a copy of my Family Fun magazine last night. It is full of fun food projects and activities to do with kids. I thought she would choose one of the cooking projects but instead she found the BIG full page add for "Edible Arrangements" and decided that she wanted to make THAT for our snack. Kuddo's for going the healthy route, but could she choose anything more complicated or (sadly) more expensive to make? Well, we did it, and this is the result. She's very proud of herself...and I think she has the right to be. Yummy!

A New Addiction

Kayla has a new love. It's Lego Batman. She's awesome at it! Her favorite character to be right now is "Harley Quinn", the female side kick to The Joker. Why are the bad guys always so appealing? Anyway, she wants to play this game anytime Brian is in his office, and when he isn't in his office as well. Right now she is just playing the Demo, we have determined that this may need to make the Christmas List this year. Maybe as a gift to Dad though to avoid the war that will inevitably break out between Cass and KK over who's game it is. Cass is loving the Cat Woman character and has determined that this indeed will be her Halloween costume for next year. A cat with attitude. The perfect combination.

You'd Never Know....

Despite the fact that this little boy LOOKS happy, in truth he has been one sick little lad the past 24 hours. He is running a low grade fever but doesn't seem to be manifesting any other major symptoms. Perhaps a slight decrease in his appetite, and he does want to snuggle more then usual, but other then that, he is the same cute sweet happy boy that we love. He turns ONE on Thursday! We will actually be celebrating on Friday night though because Brian has Dorm Duty and the girls have Cheer on Thursday. Fortunately our boy won't really know the least for a few more years.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Happy Haunting...

Here they from our Halloween escapades. It was a fun sugar filled evening. I took Cass and KK trick-or-treating. Kayla RAN to every house, for the first FIVE houses and then suddenly she ran out of steam and started asking to go home while exclaiming that she was bored and insisting that I carry her pumpkin between houses. What a character. Cass was the exact opposite...slow to warm up and then eager to run and hit every house she saw with lights on. She truly embraced the craziness that is trick-or-treating. With each new candy she became more and more excited. It was very entertaining. It was also the first year that I got to do the trick-or-treating and Brian stayed home to hand out candy And that night was EXACTLY as he would've had it, me too, for that matter. So we all had the night we would have wished for. Cass is already discussing her costume for next year. Topping the list: a cat. We have another 364 days to talk about it though.