Monday, November 10, 2008

A New Addiction

Kayla has a new love. It's Lego Batman. She's awesome at it! Her favorite character to be right now is "Harley Quinn", the female side kick to The Joker. Why are the bad guys always so appealing? Anyway, she wants to play this game anytime Brian is in his office, and when he isn't in his office as well. Right now she is just playing the Demo, we have determined that this may need to make the Christmas List this year. Maybe as a gift to Dad though to avoid the war that will inevitably break out between Cass and KK over who's game it is. Cass is loving the Cat Woman character and has determined that this indeed will be her Halloween costume for next year. A cat with attitude. The perfect combination.

1 comment:

Harmon Family said...

Just like her daddy and her Uncle Bryce..addicted to VIDEO GAMES!!