Friday, February 27, 2009

Lack of Representation

Okay, so I figure I author this blog often enough but don't really end up in a lot of the pictures. I admit, part of that is my fault. I tend to hide from the camera. But, I sort of love the new hair and figured it deserved representation. Besides, I am holding one very cute little boy in my arms. So, I guess this works on many levels.

Raku Firing

Safety First!

Then you add a 1888 degree fresh from the kiln sculpture to a trash can full of sawdust and newspaper

Watch out! There will be flames. Some of 'em quite big!

Where there's smoke...there's fire!

The final step, you take the still flaming bit of pottery and dunk it in a bucket of cold water, while the other person quickly puts a lid on the garbage can that is nesting another piece fresh from the kiln.

And this is the final product. There is an "oxidized" look to the items that you don't get from a regular firing. Pretty Hot!

KK..nature lover

KK is all about being outside right now. It was a warm 50 degrees today. Kayla didn't want to wear a coat and decided we should walk everywhere. We stopped to watch Bzr do another Raku experience (there are other pictures of this on here too).

Cassidy the artist

Cassidy has been asking to go to an art class for a while now. So, for her February Break we signed her up for a class that met every day from 9-12. Today was her very first art show. We are SOOO proud of her. She seemed to stick with a winter theme. Lots of cute penguins, snow boarding drawing, leafless trees, etc.

This is her Igloo. Note the eskimo holding the fishing pole!

This is an "asian" inspired ink drawing that you then wash a bit with a paintbrush and water to give it the blurry smudge look.

And my very favorite was a color drawing she called "Flu Season" which included a colorful collection of items that you might find on a bedside table of someone who had the flu. A Kleenex box, cough drops, a small vase with flowers, a glass of orange juice, a card, cough syrup,etc.

She had so much fun and has decided that her favorite part was the sculpting.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

3 in the bed and the little one said....

"ROLL OVER!" Seriously tired little ones. Seriously happy mommy.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Astronaut wanna-be

In school Cass has been studying space. She has declared that she wants to go to space and is very interested in being an astronaut. She has checked out books about space from the library, videos, and anything else she can get her hands on. The girl is ALL about planets, stars, etc. So today for a special treat Bzr took her to the planetarium. Ours is actually very small, but for some reason Brian thought it was quite a bit bigger. It was also VERY crowded. They were only gone an hour, but Cass loved it. She got to simulate flying and landing a plane and at the end of her efforts the computer declared, "That is the best landing so far today." Everyone in the crowd was rather impressed. It may have been small, but she really got a kick out of it. Brian has decided that it is time to take her to THE BIG ONE in Boston. I agree. So does Cass.

How you doin?

And so it begins. The boy is workin the camera already. He has had an eventful week. Last week he kindly cut 4 molars at a time. This week his top 2 canines have broke through. He's been a bit congested (compliments of Bzr's cold from last week) and was tortured by the doctor yesterday (well child visit). Not surprising the BIG BOY is sticking to his predictable growth: he's 5% for weight (only a whopping 20 lbs at 15 months) but he is in the 50% for height (32 inches). However, this light weight isn't daunted. He won his first physical altercation with Cass this week when he successfully pushed her over (much to her surprise). This week Brog also started shouting "HI" and "BYE" and waving to everyone. He does this with enthusiasm. He is adjusting to having a babysitter. I have him split 2 days with one lady and 2 days with another. At one house there is a cat. He was completely enthralled by the small furry creature (somehow I had completely forgotten that he hadn't spent any time around a cat yet). The other house he goes to is more like a 3 hour play date on Monday and Friday. There is another little boy, just a touch older then B. He LOVES the house full of only little boys toys and since KK and Cass are both in school during this time, it is just him and the other little boy having fun. So, really, he's having a pretty darn good time, with exception to the "Goodbye" part of the day. Anyway, he's growing and growing and (sigh) becoming a little man.
By-the-way, I had SUCH a difficult time deciding on the title for this one. It was nearly, "Look into my eyes.." or "You know you want me". Tough decision.

New Family Do's

It was time for haircuts all the way around. Everyone went quite a bit shorter. KK wanted to take her's all the way up to her ears. I held firm on the chin. Cass went with the short "V" cut again. You can't tell by the picture, but the back is super short and sort of "steps". Brog got his shaped and thinned. He cried the whole cut, but we chalk it up to the fact that he is having some severe reactions to other adults. Since I started working again 2 weeks ago he has struggled to adjust to having a babysitter for 3 hours a day (except Wednesday). Top it off with a trip to the doctor (2 shots) yesterday and you can maybe appreciate his leery tearful behavior. Every adult that walks into the room he is suddenly quite suspicious of. It's a bit sad. But, he'll adjust. He's tough. And, he gets a 3 week break when Brian is home in March. Now...back to the hair detail: Brain also went short again. He seems to gravitate to some sort of military cut. I don't understand it. My hair is also shorter. It brushes my collar in back but swings forward past my shoulders. It got a little "pick me up" in the color department as well. Cassidy is now asking for streaks in her hair. Sorry there aren't pics of Bzr and I. Maybe I can get Cass to take one and I'll post it later.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Valentines Day Surprises

I'm a spoiled mommy! This morning Brogan was up early around 5:15. When he gets up this early I take him downstairs so he doesn't wake anyone else up and give him a bottle. Sometimes, if I'm lucky, he snuggles up next to me and we sleep on the couch for a bit. This morning I was SO groggy that I somehow successfully managed to carry him downstairs, get him a bottle and snuggle him on the couch without noticing the big beautiful vase of flowers and cards that somehow managed to appear over night on the kitchen counter. I wasn't *so* groggy that I didn't notice the smell but I thought it was from another set of flowers I had purchased last weekend just for some fresh pretty reminders of spring. When Cass and KK came down this morning they were so excited. They asked me if I loved my surprise. I was still snuggled on the couch though and hadn't seen the flowers yet. They were thrilled that they were able to surprise me. Apparently I am not very observant at 5am. The flowers are beautiful and Brian put them in a vase that he made. The cards were a perfect touch and I'm glad I have them to add to my collection of tangible memories. Thank you to my sweet little family. You are the best! Happy Valentine's Day everyone!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Big day for KK

KK went to a birthday party today at Boutwells Bowling...which specializes in candle pin bowling. For those of you unfamiliar with this New England classic, it still involves 10 pins, but the pins are a cylindrical (no "bulge" at the bottom), the balls are about the size of a grapefruit and you get to throw 3 balls per turn. The sweeper doesn't sweep until the end of your turn, so strategy involves using some of the pins you've already knocked over. KK LOVED it. All the little kids did. In fact, it seems to be quite a kid friendly activity and we will be doing it more often in the future.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Funny Boy

The kids all got cute new pillowcases for Valentines Day from Grandma R. The girls put theirs on the bed right away. Brog doesn't have a pillow in his own bed but found it oh-so-entertaining to put it over his head and walk around tentatively. It was a riot. The pillowcase has since found it's way onto a pillow that he uses for snuggle time.

Brog surprised us again this week with the addition of 4 on each side top and bottom....all within 24 hours of each other. Poor boy. He didn't manifest any sign that he was breaking teeth with exception to some questionable diapers and a very slight elevation in his temperature on Sunday. Beyond that, he was his usual happy busy self. What a trooper.

Bzr went snow boarding on Monday to celebrate a day off. When he got home, Brog was intensely interested in all the gear. He somehow managed to climb into the boots but quickly became frustrated when he was unable to move.

A week in Pictures

Bzr has made our very own bobsled run next to the house. It is perfect for snowboarding as well. Brog just wanted to crawl around like a mouse in a maze. So much fun.

Brog enjoys some outside winter fun.

We had a Primary Activity Day on Saturday. There were lots of indoor winter games to play. We had sled races, dressed up a couple of the dad's as snow men, and the highlight of the event was the indoor snowball fight...the snowballs were actually rolled up socks. The girls had a blast and would have stayed there all day long to play the games.

Bzr graciously assists with the creation of the valentine boxes the girls want to make for their school friends this year. To be filled with 6 pieces of candy...I don't know why they decided 6 was the perfect number, but...there you have it.

These are the cute little boxes they are making...