Friday, February 27, 2009

Cassidy the artist

Cassidy has been asking to go to an art class for a while now. So, for her February Break we signed her up for a class that met every day from 9-12. Today was her very first art show. We are SOOO proud of her. She seemed to stick with a winter theme. Lots of cute penguins, snow boarding drawing, leafless trees, etc.

This is her Igloo. Note the eskimo holding the fishing pole!

This is an "asian" inspired ink drawing that you then wash a bit with a paintbrush and water to give it the blurry smudge look.

And my very favorite was a color drawing she called "Flu Season" which included a colorful collection of items that you might find on a bedside table of someone who had the flu. A Kleenex box, cough drops, a small vase with flowers, a glass of orange juice, a card, cough syrup,etc.

She had so much fun and has decided that her favorite part was the sculpting.


Five Pines said...

You are a wonderful artist Cassidy!

Carrie said...

Flu season was also a favorite of mine. Great job Cassidy! Next up, Raku firing!!