Monday, June 28, 2010

Final Day of School

I'm doing this post for the benefit of my 2 girlies.  2009-2010 was a remarkable year for them.  Cassidy completed 2nd grade.  Kayla finished "Readiness" (full day Kindergarten).  They both made some wonderful friends and memories.  It's very possible that they won't remember these days.  Which makes me a little sad.  I've kept a journal since I was about 10.  I wrote things in there about events that happened that I honestly have no memory of...but I wrote about it.  So it must have happened.  These pictures and my little notes are my effort to provide a little bit of fun history for my kids.  I don't journal as much as I once did (in fact, I rarely write in a journal at all anymore) but I DO manage to update the blog monthly.  This post is specifically for my girls.  Indulge me, or feel free to skip it if you're not interested.

This is Mia (pictured above).  She is one of Cassidy's best friends.  She joined the class this year.  Cassidy's birthday party in August was the first class party Mia was invited to and attended.  They have been good buddies since.  She is a very sweet, kind, thoughtful girl.  Cassidy and Mia formed the "Best Friends" club together and were frequently coming home with grand plans for sleep-overs and play dates.  There were many frantic phone calls and emails between the moms trying to figure out if something really was planned for the weekend, as the girls would convincingly report it was.

This is Madison.  She is a gentle, quiet, spiritual, and kind girl.  She and Cassidy bonded after being teased on the playground for being "good girls".  They both believe in Jesus and although they worship Him differently, He is a central part in both their lives.  We adore Madison and are grateful that Cassidy had a friend like her to stand together with and give each other strength.

And now and introduction to Miss Cheyenne.  Another one of the "good girls".  We have several play dates with her and her little sister (Alexis, who is one of Kayla's best friends).  She is fun and witty.  She learned all the "signs" to the songs they sang at the end of the school year concert...but not everyone else did.  So she performed the signs all by herself.  So cute.  She and Cassidy laugh together, non-stop.  They both have a love of horses, dogs, and silly jokes.

This post could not be complete with out a picture of Cassidy and Teagan.  These two have been BFF's since the first day.  Teagan is sassy, fun, spirited and spunky.  We have Teagan to thank for Cassidy's "relationships"....Teagan was a match maker.  These 2 kiddo's got into mischief of one sort or another together quite often.  But, they were drawn to each other and no amount of persuasion could be used to separate them.  SIGH.  This is Teagan's last year as SFNH.  Cass will miss her dearly.  
*A note must be made here quickly that there is not a picture of Cassidy with Lily.  Lily is camera shy (or at least she was on THIS particular day).  Cassidy and Lily are also BFF's.  They were each other's very first "sleep over" partners.  They are so funny together and have dramatic role playing and imaginative story telling moments.  They feed each others creative side.  Lily is a gem.  I'm sorry I don't have a photo of the 2 of them together.  We'll just need to get one later on this summer when we get together for play dates.

Now, if you ask Kayla what the most memorable things about school was this year, it is, without a doubt, her beloved teacher, Mrs. Cheryl Bennett.  I have no doubt that years from now Kayla will remember her with fondness and love....and vice versa.  Mrs. Bennett loves the students in her class.  They know it.  We all know it.  But Kayla and Mrs. Bennett share a bond.  In the photo above, you can see the kids in her class all gathered around Mrs. Bennett.  She is looking at a book.  It is the book the children wrote for her as an end of year "Thank you" gift.  She cried.  They smiled.  They were so proud of themselves.  Look at those faces.  Those are some happy, pleased kids who have a REASON to be that happy.  Their teacher.  (See photo below)  

Now, although Mrs. Bennett was the high light of KK's year, her relationship with her fellow classmates was a meaningful part of this experience as well.  At the end of the year the students were asked some very basic questions like: what is your favorite part of the day?  What do you remember most? etc.  one of the questions was: My friends are: and then the kids got to list 2 people they were friends with.  The responses were written down and then hung up outside the classroom on the wall for others to see and enjoy.  I stopped to read them the last day of school and found them to be entertaining and delightful.  But, the thing that stands out in my mind most was that almost all of the other kids wrote that Kayla was one of their friends.  Kayla loves people.  She is kind to them and they respond to her.  She has a sweet little gift....she makes people feel important.  My cheeks hurt from smiling and I'm pretty sure a tear or 2 might have slipped down as I walked out of the doors of the school that day.  I have 2 little girls who have wonderful friends.  2 little girls who are influencing others for good.  Who are being kind and respectful members of their small society.  Little girls who understand that you can be friends with everyone and you should be kind to everyone.  Sure, they are "energetic" at times.  They get hyper and drive me (and other adults around them) crazy at times.  BUT, they are kind to their peers and the people who they see eye to eye with (literally) recognize the goodness in them and want to be part of it.  They don't realize it yet, and it will be many many more years (post teen, in fact) before they understand, recognize and acknowledge it, but there is greatness sprouting in them.  I love watching it grow...and I'm so excited to see what happens next.  There are many more adventures and school days to come but we are off to a pretty good start.

1 comment:

Chelsea said...

I love this post and it makes me excited for all the good times to come with Kip. You do have wonderful girls, but a large part of that is due to their having a wonderful mom :)