Wednesday, December 24, 2008


So Brog had his very first play date the other day. We have friends visiting from out of town for the holiday season. They have a darling little boy named "Kip". The boys are about 2 months apart and could easily pass as brothers. They played with trucks and cars and followed each other around in "survivor" like fashion waiting for the attention of the other to be distracted allowing for the stealing of whatever toy the other had. It was entertaining and all was going well...until....a rouge purple my little pony comb appeared. Then all civility was abandoned in an all out battle to be possesor of the comb. In this picture Kip is keeper of the comb while Brog submits to being groomed. When it became obvious that the comb was going to come between the two of them and their friendly play, as all good mom's would do, we removed the comb from play. The result was two very sad little boys who needed to be coddled and calmed by the ever comforting effects of bottle time. Once Kip left, Brog found the comb and would not release it for the rest of the evening. Of course, to make Daddy feel better about Brog's obsession with the comb, he also carried around a matchbox toy car in his other hand. What a boy!

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