Thursday, August 25, 2011

Happy Birthday Daddy!

We celebrated Brian's birthday at our lake house in New York. Grandpa Schroyer and Lori were there to celebrate. We had cake, Brian's favorite: yellow with chocolate frosting (the frosting was AMAZING...if you want the recipe, let me know)
Brian got the lego game "Creationary"...basically, it's pictionary, but you get to build objects with legos and everyone tries to guess what you made. Point for the builder and the person who guesses correctly. Fun and perfect for our family.
The kids all got him a present the represents time and things they like to do with their dad. Kayla got him new Halo Legos, Brogan got him Creationary, and Cassidy got him a itunes gift card...we think she is hoping he will score some fun new ipod games and cool "Cassidy approved" music (Taylor Swift, perhaps?).
Happy Birthday, Brian! We Love you! You are amazing! And, we sincerely believe there isn't ANYTHING you can't do.

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