Thursday, August 25, 2011

Guess who's 9?!

This cute little girl! That's who! Cassidy is NINE years old today. She is more excited about it then we are. There is something quite bitter sweet about watching your kids grow up.
At the mature (as far as SHE is concerned) age of 9 Cassidy enjoys horses, mysteries, reading, friends (and boyfriends, though she still blushes when we talk of them). She is a wonderful artist and sketches frequently. She writes her own stories, and illustrates them. She sings all the time and LOVES music. She still enjoys gymnastics and has intentions of picking up piano lessons again now that we are back home with our piano. Her favorite movie is currently "Mama Mia" (which she sings along with at top volume). She loves to eat haystacks, chinese food (fried rice), shrimp, sushi (California rolls, really), lasagna, and baked potato soup. She has finally expanded her ice cream library from vanilla to vanilla OR cookie dough. After years of trying to get her to taste and enjoy maple syrup, she spent 18 days at camp where her friends were able to accomplish the task. She tried it. She loves it. She can now officially be a fullfledged East Coast native (a love for REAL maple syrup is a requirement). Cassidy will start 4th grade this year. AUGH! Because Cassidy thinks she is all mature and stuff, she has asked if she can start wearing make-up. We have consented to glittery chapstick....only. No lip-gloss, yet. And, although we have given her permission since she was 8 years old, she has still opted NOT to get her ears pierced (although, as with the syrup, we are fairly certain her peers will talk her into it soon). A goal for this year is to learn to ride her bike without training wheels. Which is a BIG deal for this timid little one (she'll try something once but if there is an unfortunate event or unpleasant experience, she isn't gonna do it again...and, her first attempt at riding a bike WITH training wheels didn't go well. So that she is willing to give it another go shows growth.)We love this little girl. She cares about details. Loves to clean her new room. Keeps us all entertained. She loves life. She is energetic and excited to be doing things. She is creative. She thinks everyone is her friend and wants to be friends with everyone. She has a BIG heart. She is always aware of choices and wants to make the right ones. She is thoughtful and loving. We are blessed to have her in our family. Happy Birthday, Sweet Cass! We hope your next year is full of happy memories...only to be topped by the ones you make each year of your life after that.To celebrate this big day we had ice cream cake, went to TGI Friday's for family lunch, and she got to do something special with 2 of her friends (There was a sleep over with Lily and a dinner date with Mia). It was a good and quiet birthday celebration. NEXT year she gets to have a big party. (We are doing every other year for big parties now.) Happy Happy Birthday!


Jennifer said...

She is such a sweet girl. I will miss having her in my classes this year. Happy birthday Cassidy!

Five Pines said...

Happy Birthday Cass!