Tuesday, January 18, 2011


Can a boy have TOO many match box cars? We don't think so. And neither does our boy. They get sorted (according to style, color, size, etc) and lined up like dominos fairly regularly at our house.


Jennifer said...

How awesome is that! Jourdan used to do that with EVERYTHING (cars, books, DVD's...). It's a good sign of math skills to come..all that sorting.

Five Pines said...

Matt used to do that too! It's every little boys dream to have miles and miles of matchbox cars!

Kennedy said...

This is really Jamie, not Kennedy. I have to use her gmail account to read your blog. Elzabeth did the same thing with her cars (sometimes still does) and would get really upset when you messed up her line. Funny to see other kids do it and not just my neurotic child.