Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Game On Kayla!

Daddy plays Halo: Reach. Every day those clever folks at Bungie (the makers) post a set of Daily Challenges; complete them and earn high scores, piles of credits, and acclaim from thousands of your 18-35 year-old virtual friends.

Each Monday morning a Weekly Challenge is posted, always tougher than the Daily Challenges and often difficult enough to send scores of teen gamers crying to momma. The other day Kayla helped daddy earn the "Legendary Friends" Weekly Challenge by completing the Nightfall Cooperative mission in the campaign on not Easy, not Normal, not even Heroic, but LEGENDARY difficulty.

If that doesn't communicate anything to you, imagine giving a six-year old a gun and asking her to follow you into Mogadishu for some jogging.

Closing seconds of Nightfall mission:
"Alright Kayla, that's the end up there, we just have to get on the other side of those rocks."
"Are there too many bad guys? They keep shooting me!"
"There's not that many, we're going to run, stay right with me-"
"Oh no, oh no, oh no! Run! Run KK!"
(BANG!) "Daddy I got him!"
"No just run-"
(BANG! BANG!) "It's okay, I got another one!"
"No you just- What?"
"Look out Daddy, one more!" (BANG! BANG! BANG!)
"I got him!"

I'm so proud!


Tracey said...

Shan must be so proud. :)

Jennifer said...

That's funny, I think. I don't really grasp the entire concept, but it sounds like she's combat ready!