Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Day Two

Today we drove from Erie to Joliet, IL. The girls have started collecting key chains for each state they visit. We got Ohio, and Indiana today (we'll purchase IL before leaving). Sadly we missed the boat on PA but will grab one on the way back next year.
Below is a photo somewhere in the middle of Indiana. Brogan had "had the radish" and was DONE for the day (unfortunately we still had hours to go). Cass was entertaining herself with an activity book that the Good's gave her before we left (Thank you!). The 2nd photo shows how easy it is to distract Brogan from his fit....we simply declare, "I see a water tower..." check out his face....

We took the photo below as evidence of our stop in Ohio. It was a lovely little rest area. We stop about every 2 hours to stretch and move about.
And the final picture of todays drive is : CLEVELAND. We're glad we got to see it from a distance. We were fortunate to completely skip Chicago but the traffic just going into the city was backed up and enough to let us know that we DID NOT want to go there either. Thank goodness for Joliet, IL.

1 comment:

Five Pines said...

Thanks for the updates. Keep the pictures coming!!