Saturday, August 14, 2010


Today was Brian's 36th birthday. He doesn't look a day over 20 (some might even say 18). We spent the day at Lagoon. I didn't take my camera in with us. This was the first time we ever attempted an amusement park without a stroller...and it was WONDERFUL. We got there at 10am...and left at 10pm. The kids were asleep before we left the parking lot. However, we were cruel parents and made them take baths before crawling into bed. Seriously...the germs....EW! KK had some impressively stinky feet. It was better for everyone that this happen. Check out the photo below of our exhausted children.....yes, they are asleep. YES, that is a ginormous mug Cassidy is holding in her sleep. We bought it for $12 and were able to refill it at any of the vendors the WHOLE day. We drank a LOT of lemonade.
It's late, we're all tired and tomorrow brings us to the longest day of travel yet. SLC to Selah, WA. 10 hours of driving...with stops every 2 hours. We are hoping to arrive by 8pm, if we are lucky and make GREAT time, that is. Crossing our fingers.


Five Pines said...

Happy birthday Brian !

Carolyn said...

If all went well, you are in Selah. Hope you get the rest you need. Can't help but be just a bit excited! See you tomorrow.