Monday, April 2, 2012

Valentine's Day

We HEART ATTACKED the girls' bedroom doors. The hearts all say something on 'em. Some have sayings that the girls seems to be repeating a lot these days like, "I know, right?!" Seems to be a favorite.
Fun hair! Cass had twists and hearts. KK had hearts as well but I'm not sure if you can see them very well in the following photos.

(nope...can't see her hearts very well. Too bad, 'cause they were SUPER cute. Maybe next year.)
We also decorated individual heart shaped cakes. Yummy!
And for dinner, we had heart shaped home made pizzas. Brian got a pepperoni pizza and we cut his pepperoni's into hearts. (not pictured)

We love Valentine's Day. And although there are efforts made to show each other that we LOVE them all year long, having one day a year when you go the EXTRA mile to do this, doesn't seem like a bad idea.

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