Two weeks ago, in a rather dramatic display of coordination (or lack thereof) I managed to take a fall. I was on my way up to bed and thought, "Maybe you should take the puppy out to go to the bathroom first." And so, I took the puppy out, stepped down off our ONE step, and onto the slippery wet grass (from our gardening effort earlier that day). My right foot slipped and in an effort to catch myself, I brought my left foot down quickly...and slipped. Both ankles cracked and rolled...making sounds that ankles have NO RIGHT to make. So, there I was at 10pm rolling around in the muck of my front yard. Brian wasn't home. The kids were asleep in their beds. The dog thought I was playing and was licking my face. After several minutes I managed to army crawl my way into the house and to a phone where I called the dorm Brian was on duty at. He arrived and followed the trail of destruction. Because the kids were sleeping, we decided to wait it out. I went to urgent care the next morning and left looking like this:
Diagnosis? One broken ankle (left) and one severe sprain (right). I was sent home with a temporary cast and an ace bandage and instructions to report to the orthopedic surgeon ASAP. So, on Monday, I was treated to something MORE permanent (Brogan chose the color):BUT, my ankle was too swollen and sore to be placed correctly. So, a week later, I got to go back. And progressed to this (Cassidy chose this one because it goes with everything):
I was relieved to be fitted for the brace on my right foot, but still walked out of there on crutches with the cast and the boot. Today, 2 weeks and 2 days after my spill, I was able to drive the car for the first time. And, I'm not on crutches! I have a walking cast and I alternate between the boot (for longer walking periods, like to the dining hall) and the brace (for those moments when I need to drive). Perhaps the most humiliating moment of this whole experience came after checking in at Urgent Care. The MA in training was going over the "how did this happen" part of my story. He asked if alcohol was involved. When I told him, "No" he looked at me rather pointedly and said, "Are you SURE you don't want to revise that statement to save face?". Hmmmm, maybe a better story would've been nice. But, this is what I got. And if you ask my family, all they will tell you is that it's about time. I have a long list of incidents involving falls and tumbles and casts...but this is my very first break. Not bad for a coordinated (not) lady like myself.