This past Friday Grandpa, Uncle Kenneth, and Mom all embraced their inner child (and sanity) to take 6 kids to The Enchanted Forrest in Salem, OR. Cousins Zoey, Abby, Kenny, Kale, Brogan and Kayla rounded out our crazy group of fun.
The first part of the park is a lush stroll up and down hills that twist and wind through various nursery rhyme scenes.
This is KK posing next to a huge mushroom in Alice In Wonderland. There was a rabbit hole and tunnel that the kids climbed into and followed from one side of the path to the other.
This is Snow White's witch. Once inside, there is a dark twisty turning path to follow with scenes safely sequestered behind plexi glass...the walk end at a large slide that is actually the witches long hair. VERY COOL.
The 2nd half of the park is all about the rides. Kiddy rides, mostly. Brogan was in HEAVEN when he discovered the Bumper Boats (you had to be under 80 lbs to ride these babies).
In the photo above all our group is joyfully crashing into each other and the kind helper girl is wading out to break up the tangled family smash fest.
The frog hopper. All our kids and one mysterious guest crowded on...over and over and over...this was a favorite for the kids in the group.
Brogan, on the psychedelic train....
Brogan and Kale....same train
Zoye, loving her ride as well
The train in full view...Abby and Zoey are in the back cart enjoying the view as the train putts around the track and they explore the little village of mushrooms and castles.
Grandpa and Abby in the REAL BIG bumper cars. (Brogan didn't meet the height requirement for this ride...which broke his little heart. Poor guy.)
Grandpa, Kale, Kenny and Zoey zipping down on the log ride...every good park has one.
4 very wet but still quite happy guests
KK standing at the entrance to the mid-evil section of the park. We didn't get a photo of it, but there was a ride here that we all loved...we all climbed in cart that were equipped with laser guns. The cart then disappeared into a building that had knights and sorcerers and big spiders and dragons, etc. all with glowing blue lights somewhere on them. We got to shoot them with our guns that kept score for us. Some of us did quite well, others had a difficult time just holding up the gun. But, we all got a kick out of this ride. Very Very fun. (One the kids all declared would have been Uncle Brian's favorite ride if he had been with us. They are, of course, correct.)
Thanks, Grandpa, for a final BIG trip and event.
You are the best!