Friday, December 31, 2010

A Few of My Favorite Things....

Grandpa and LaLa sure do know how to pick 'em and spoil 'em. The kids were thrilled with their gifts. The backpacks were quickly filled and rolled around the apartment....and every place else we go. Who knew we really needed backpacks this entire time? It has made life simpler and travel easier. The kids instantly fell in love with their new slippers and the BOY was completely an utterly in love with his new dump truck/robot. It is quite impressive and named "rocky".

Their favorite gift though was opened and listened to/read on Christmas Eve. The thrill and joy of hearing Grandpa read "'Twas the night before Christmas" to them on Christmas Eve was a fond tear filled moment. We miss you! We love you! Thank very much...for that most thoughtful gift that has been listened to over and over again sometimes as a group and often times as individual time with Grandpa.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Finally got to the end. Your family had a great Christmas.... much more eventful than ours. It's fun with younger kids to watch the excitement on their faces. Ours are old enough that they have already seen (and hand-picked) their gifts, so there are very few surprises. Happy New Year!