Sunday, November 21, 2010

It snowed today in Washington

So maybe I was naive hoping to move out to Washington for the year and managing to avoid a long cold snowy winter. Perhaps the weather Gods have other ideas. When I was growing up in the area, we could count on ONE "major" snow storm a year...usually in January. People out East would roll their eyes at the amount of snow it takes to close school out here in Vancouver, WA. But when the area only customarily gets one or two snow falls a year (and the snow doesn't usually stay) it would be a waste of tax dollars to provide a fleet of snow plows. It makes economical sense. And really, for safety measures, it's a good idea. Driving in snow requires talent. It seemed reasonable to hope for a wet winter but not a snowy one. If today is any indication of what to hope for though, my hopes are already dashed:

UGH! The news indicates that it will be in the 20's this week and we may in fact have a WHITE THANKSGIVING! Most of the West Coast natives are actually excited and thrilled over it, but for this East Coast adoptive daughter, the snow is MOST unwelcome. Now, a white Christmas is another matter entirely. I would LOVE one snowy day...followed by no more snow for the rest of the season. We'll see.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Well, it could be worse....we could have an ice story for ya. You'd LOVE that!
Wait until we have about 2 inches of snow and the city goes into "panic" mode. Those of us who have lived other places (where snow is common) just love to sit back and laugh at the endless news coverage. A few years back, we had about 6 inches and it was dubbed a "blizard"!