Tuesday, November 16, 2010

A throw back to this summer

My uber talented friend, Tracey, (who I've plugged before on here) came to NH and took some photos of our family this past Summer. Right now she and I are working together to create our oh-so-stunning 2010 Family Christmas card. So I've been sorting through images and found these 2 gems:

How cute are they? And can you guess just how much these little munchkins miss their Grandpa? And how amazing are these photos anyway? I'm SOOO excited for our Christmas card this year. Tracey captures moments on film...and when she does, I look at them months (and years) later and I can still remember how I felt during those moments. They are just THAT good. I have a few more candid shots that I might post later, but I'm waiting until the card is done so I don't steel our thunder when it shows up in your mailbox. Coming soon!


Jennifer said...

I wish I was ready to start thinking about our Christmas cards.....so jealous right now!

Five Pines said...

Great pictures!!