Sunday, July 4, 2010

July 4th

I think there is some sort of general Blogging Rule that demands a post for any major holiday. And so, here is our 4th of July post. The kids all got dressed for church today wearing red and white. (They chose blue and white for me...and had Brian wear a red tie.) They looked so charming. Cass and Brog were ready for the photo below...but Kayla wasn't quite set.
Fortunately we almost always take 2 photos and the second shot caught Kayla with a smile and the other 2 as well. Such cute little kids. They are getting so big!
We were able to share a lovely meal with our friends at church, and then return a few hours later for some amazing and colorful fireworks. Brian wasn't able to go with us (we missed him) so we don't have any photos of the event. I spent a lot of time chasing Brogan around and trying to keep tabs on the other 2 (single parenting is exhausting). The kids had fun running around with all their friends from church, playing games, doing "pops" and making a lovely 4th of July theme hat. If any of them survived the furiously fast pack-up job I will take a picture and try to post it later. The hats are really quite cute. All 3 kids were awake the entire time and only Brogan was sleeping when we arrived home at 10:30pm. It was a lovely evening. Our only incident came when Brogan decided to jump out of the back of the van (which was parked with the trunk open) and bonked his noggin on the parking lot. It was just a graze though...far more scary then damaging. It taught him nothing though...because he was right back at it a few minutes later. Oh well. Boys will be boys. Or something like that. Hope you all enjoyed a happy 4th as well.

1 comment:

Paul said...

Sorry I wasn't able to be there to help manage the kids! Uncle Paul sends his love to the whole family!