Thursday, March 11, 2010

Funny Girl

I've been meaning to post this little story on the blog...I mentioned it before on FaceBook but wanted to make sure it made it here as well.  
Kayla has got some things really figured out.  Relationships is one of those things.  Here are her "STEPS TO GETTING A BOY TO LIKE YOU" .  In her own words:
"You see, it's like this:  First you are nice to them.  Then you smile at them and they think you are cute.  Then you have to make them laugh.  Not the crazy kind of laugh but a REAL laugh."  Here she pauses to consider for a moment before concluding, "And it doesn't hurt if you give them a cookie.  That's it.  Viola.  Easy Peasy.  They like you."  Awe, the wisdom of a child.  Wanting to make sure I was staying on top of this parenting thing I inquired, "KK, have you given any boys cookies?"  With sincere exasperation she sighed and said, "No mom.  I'm saving that for when I REALLY need it."  Well, I guess she told me.  Her teen years have already flashed before my eyes and I confess to being somewhat concerned.  What's a mom to do?  No really...WHAT am I going to do?

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Maybe it's a good thing you'll only be here a year. I think the combination of my daughter and yours (and boys) could be troublesome. Way to figure men out so early!