Sunday, May 10, 2009

Campus fun & Grandpa's Birthday

We spent the weekend of April 25th up at Camp to celebrate Grandpa's Birthday and participate in the annual "put in the dock" effort.

The kids got fun colored rakes to help with the clean-up effort

They spent the majority of the day (a very warm 80+ degrees) playing on the beach. Cassidy actually ended up going in the water, which was a cold crisp 53 degrees.

This is the whole group that helped put in the dock this year.

This is not what it looks like....well, not TOTALLY what it looks like. The only significant thing to point out is that he's drinking a Saranac Rootbeer. Yummy stuff.

The cousins came. Lined up like this they remind us of those cell phone commercials with the subtly displayed "bars" to demonstrate cell coverage in the area.

Awesome weekend. Looking forward to many many more.

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