Monday, July 22, 2013

Camp Chateaugay!

Cassidy and Kayla are at Camp Chateaugay!
They love every minute of every day they spend here.  Everything from climbing the rope corse in the trees, to cooking classes, arts and crafts, swimming, fishing, dancing, evening activities (lip sync, skits, etc), friend, kayaking, horse back riding, gymnastics, and MORE.
 But this MOM sure will miss her Babies!
 This year KK gets to go for 3 1/2 weeks and Cassidy will be there for 2 weeks (she has a dance camp she will be attending instead).  Already looking forward to the notes and stories that will come.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

I know how you feel. I'm missing my kids right now too. They're both off to camp. Your girls are sure growing up fast!