Monday, December 5, 2011

Stockings 2011

This post is for my mom. When she was out here visiting the week of Halloween we found material and a pattern to make stockings. But, we had so many other projects that we weren't able to get to the stockings. Which meant I was left on my own with my very questionable sewing skills. I called in the excellent help of a friend and together the two of us made these:
Hung by the fireplace with care.....
This is the "BOY" stocking
This is the "GIRL" stocking
The kids are a bit concerned because I didn't personalize them beyond BOY and GIRL. They are worried that Santa won't know who's stocking is who's. I told them that this actually simplifies things for Santa and all he will need to do is choose a stocking and fill it with gifts for each child instead of trying to sort them according to name. They don't see how this is easier. I may need to find some way to personalize them. But for now, I love their simplicity. Thanks Mom, and Jill (my special guest helper) for making these stockings happen. You're both wonderful.


Jennifer said...

Those are super cute. I made ours too, and they are so much more unique than store-bought "made in China" stockings.

Five Pines said...

nicely done