One of the great things about living on the West Coast right now is that we get to spend a lot of time with family. For the first time in a long time we are here for birthdays and other big events in each other's lives. It's been pretty awesome. On Wednesday, March 30th, we celebrated Jack's birthday. His birthday is actually March is his Dad's...and so is Mine. Cool, hu?
What kid party is ever complete without a pinata? Check out the faces and stance on these 2 boys (Jack, above...Brogan, below). We didn't have a stick so we used the tube to a vacuum cleaner. Clever, right? Just not as effective as one might hope. Although it was eventually busted.

Jack's current love is "DRAGON" more commonly known as "How To Train Your Dragon" of our family's favorite movies too. So we did a Dragon cake. Check out "Toothless". Did you know that there are NOOOOOO H.T.T.Y.D. promotional toys out there? Nope. Nothing. The shelves are Toothless and Hiccup bare. Bummer. 'Cause this little boy would have loved his very own stuffed Toothless.

Happy Birthday, Jack. We love you!