Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Disney Princesses on Ice

Oh what a night!  I didn't tell the girls where I was taking them until I had them in the car already and was purchasing "Happy Meals".  The excitement was overwhelming and worth every second of painful secret keeping.  I am usually REALLY bad at keeping secrets like this.  Christmas is torture for this very reason.  Anyway, I had 2 very enchanted girls who had a night to remember.  See the locked eyes?  I have another image of them with their mouths open but it was a bit fuzzy, so it didn't make the blog.  This was a great girls night out.  So fun!

1 comment:

Harmon Family said...

Bryce is the same way about secrets. He gets to excited and can't keep them anymore. Glad the girls had fun. I would love to take Zoey to see that. She would enjoy it very much.