This SWEET little girl...has given me a week of memories. Here are just 2 of them:
I sent her to school in a cute pair of pink leggings. When I picked her up, she had a huge hole ripped in them just above the knee. When I questioned her about the hole, she indicated that she stuck a pencil through her pants and the hole just grew from there. After expressing my displeasure at her vandalism I asked her what we were going to do to make sure this doesn't happen again. She thought about it for a while and finally declared, "You could buy me RUBBER pants!". Brian found this endlessly entertaining. Rubber pants indeed!
And here is the 2nd little gem for you:
Brian picked the girls up from school on Wednesday. The principle walked over to him and slipped him a note saying this, "We just want you to know that we intercepted this letter. Cass and "E" were caught passing notes and we wanted to make you aware." She handed him the folded note. Not knowing what could possibly be cause for concern Brian opened the note and found:

I have to confess, I LOVE her answer! I think it's SOOOO cute! And seriously...."respond"? How cute is that?! When we talked to her about this later I asked her why she couldn't marry him and she told me "Because my mommy won't let me." Well, I guess that's good enough. Sigh. So proud of my little one.