Wednesday, December 2, 2009


We had a  remarkable Black Friday experience.  We went to Wal-mart....with our 3 9:00am.  This is a special Wal-mart though.  It was built in a small little town in upstate New York.  When they were building it, they took into consideration the population of the area.  Which seems like a reasonable way to determine how large the facility should be.  Well, this Wal-mart is HUGE but, here is the kicker, included in the population of the area is 2 rather large prisons (one of them is a maximum security prison).  Needless to say, although the inhabitants of these buildings count toward the population of the area, the residents don't get out much....especially for shopping expeditions.  So, the store was peaceful but stocked!  Some of the "big ticket" items were already gone by the time we got there (4 hours after the sales started) but we still scored a new Blue Ray player for $70!  Seriously!  We were so excited.  On the way home, we stopped at a New England classic: Dunkin Donuts.  This is a shot of the back of our car....notice the Boy's face?  He loves donuts!

Here is a close you can fully appreciate his love for this sweet frosted treat:

So, even with 3 kids in tow our Black Friday shopping experience was pretty wonderful.  Who would have thought?

Hope you all enjoyed a wonderful Thanksgiving.  We have much to be Thankful for this year.  Friends and Family just happen to top the list.

1 comment:

Tracey said...

I love the dude's obsession with Dunkin' Donuts! HILARIOUS!!!