Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Oh, what do you do in the Summer Time?

We swim in the lake, ride in the tube, and water ski all day (see Cass in yellow, KK in blue life jackets) smores, swim some more, enjoy the camp fire, visit with family (see Uncle Jack?) and just generally relax and hang out. Lots of reading, playing games, singing karaoke, working on our Wii bowling game (the purchase of the Resort Games has now added sword fighting, jousting, arrow shooting and "fancy" bowling to the list), play pool, build with legos (entire cities of legos, that are rapidly and thoroughly destroyed by The Boy Wonder who we lovingly refer to as "crasher" now), watch TV, ride in the boat, jet ski, and make daily trips over to our Lake House to watch the Oh-S0-Slow progress and see just how much work really was done. Enjoy the images thus far of just a few of these activities....

Where the MAGIC all happens....

1 comment:

Chelsea said...

Looks like loads of fun...but when do you come back so the boys can play?