Friday, June 19, 2009

An interesting week...

So, Cass has been running a low grade fever since Monday. On Wednesday I took her in to the Doctor. At the time, nothing seemed to be pointing to one thing or another and the assumption was that it was just a bug of some sort. We were told to watch her and if her fever didn't break we should bring her back in. Well, this morning she woke up and was only about 99.5. She ate a big bowl of Fruit Loops for breakfast and then declared that she felt well enough to go to school. We let her go and she stayed the whole day, but when I picked her up this afternoon she looked awful and informed me that she felt awful too. We got home and checked her fever...back up to 102.8 (this of course had me wondering how it was missed at school). We were at the doctor's office 15 minutes later. I should point out that the fever has been her only symptom and on Wednesday they did test her for was negative. No coughing. No sore throat. No runny nose. Just a fever and every once in a while she would complain that her tummy hurt but not like she was going to get sick, it just hurt. The second time around with the doctor yielded different results. The doctor spent a lot of time listening to her breath and determined that her left lung sounds "crackly". Cass has pneumonia. She is on an antibiotic. She will go back in on Monday morning for a follow-up. We are anticipating a quick recovery. As long as she is on Motrin for her fever, she actually does quite well. In fact, right now her fever is gone (thanks to the fever reducer) and she is watching America's Funniest Home Videos. She finds them endlessly entertaining. She and her dad will spend hours hunting down funny videos on YouTube. She is currently loving the Taylor Swift music video for "Love Story". SOOOO Cute. Not funny, but sweet none the less. Anyway, that is our interesting week. We are hoping next week if far less exciting.

1 comment:

Harp said...

Lindie loves that song too. She knows all the words and sings it loudly when it comes on the radio. She says she is going to sing it next year in the school talent show. I hope Cass gets better quickly. Are they still in school?